Research Article

Improving an Anonymous and Provably Secure Authentication Protocol for a Mobile User

Algorithm 1

Algorithm .
(1) Eavesdrop the login request message
(2) Call the Reveal oracle. Let
(3) Eavesdrop the authentication response message
(4) Use the Reveal oracle. Let
(5) if    then
(6)   Compute
(7)   Call the Reveal oracle. Let
(8)   if   ()  then
(9)     Compute
(10)     Call the Reveal oracle. Let
(11)     Call the Reveal oracle. Let
(12)     if  ()  then
(13)       Accept , , , as the correct , , , , respectively.
(14)       return  0 (Success)
(15)     else
(16)       return  0 (Failure)
(17)   else
(18)     return  0 (Failure)
(19) else
(20)   return  0 (Failure)
(21) end if