Research Article

A Consensus Framework for Reliability and Mitigation of Zero-Day Attacks in IoT

Table 5

Latency analysis (notations).

Notations Values Description

TBC Alert message latency
TBC Final/total alert message latency
Evaluation time between MN and CDS
Exponential: 1–30 packets Traffic arrival time
5 msEvaluation time between CDS and SDS
5 msEvaluation time between CDS and LDS
10 msEvaluation time between SDS and LDS
10 msEvaluation time between LDS and IoT
5 ms Average decision time per component
5 ms Decision time for CDS
5 ms Decision time for SDS
5 ms Decision time for LDS
256 bytes Message size
One-way frame transport delay
0–0.9, step 0.1 Frame error
10–100 Number of hops
10 MHz Bandwidth
,20 ms Delay
0.5 Ratio packet size to frame size
20 ms Interframe time
10 Hop distance between CDS and SDS
10 Hop distance between CDS and LDS
10 Hop distance between SDS and LDS
TBC Critical message latency
TBC Final/total critical message latency

TBC: to be calculated with formula in Section 4.2.