Research Article

Digital Implementation of an Improved LTE Stream Cipher Snow-3G Based on Hyperchaotic PRNG

Table 2

Comparison results of NIST tests.

The number of test The type of test Regular SNOW-3G [14] Proposed SNOW-3G based on HC-PRNG

Frequency (monobit) testSuccessSuccess
Frequency test with a blockSuccessSuccess
Runs testFailSuccess
Long runs of ones testFailSuccess
Binary matrix rank testFailSuccess
Discrete Fourier transform (spectral) testFailSuccess
Nonoverlapping template matching testFailSuccess
Overlapping template matching testFailSuccess
Maurer’s “universal statistical” testSuccessSuccess
Linear complexity testSuccessSuccess
Serial testFailSuccess
Approximate entropy testFailSuccess
Cumulative sums (Cusum) testSuccessSuccess
Random-excursion testSuccessSuccess
Random-excursion-variant testSuccessSuccess