Research Article

Automatic Test Pattern Generator for Fuzzing Based on Finite State Machine

Algorithm 1

Response similarity comparison.
The HTTP response body message from the target server (invalid test cases) ;
The HTTP response body message from the target server (valid test case) ;
The designated threshold ;
Logical value
0:no/low injection risk; 1: high injection risk
(1)if row.count() == row.count() then While responses and have same number of rows
(2)similarity = NULL Initiate a similarity vector for storing row-by-row similarity results.
(3)for   in 1 to row.count() do
(4)similarity = append(similarity, diff(, ) Compare the similarity of the two responses line by line.
(5)similarity.score = mean(similarity) Take the average of the similarity vector
(6)else If the length of response is different, concatenate responses as strings for comparison.
(7) = NULL
(8) = NULL
(9)for   in 1 to row.count() do
(10) = string.concat()
(11)for   in 1 to row.count() do
(12) = string.concat()
(13)similarity.score = 1 − (diff())
(14)return if ();