Research Article

Reliable Collaborative Filtering on Spatio-Temporal Privacy Data

Algorithm 2

Input: user location check-in dataset: ; target user ID:TID.
Output: Recommended location list: List
Initialisation: dataSetSplit (); / is the subset of check-in dataset according to the target user’s request time.
userDataModel (); Construct users property vector exploiting the regional data.
MeansFilter (); Clustering similarity users as set.
graphBuild (); Model the filtered subset as a user-item (location) bipartite graph.
for   to 1  do
GraPA (); traverse the graph to find candidate similar users, locations and trajectory
for  each   do
MeansLocation (); Clustering location to select candidate recommendable locations.
for  each   do
for  each   do
sortByRating (); Top-N recommendation.