Research Article

Enc-DNS-HTTP: Utilising DNS Infrastructure to Secure Web Browsing

Table 2

DNS spoofing attack.

ATT within LAN legitimately; ATT must reside between and

(M1):ARP poisoning

The result is ATT[] for and ATT[] for

(M3):DNS_Query (ID1, DN); dest. IP = DNS spoofing
(M4):DNS_Query (ID1, DN); dest. IP =
(M5):DNS_Reply (ID1, DN, IPWS); dest. IP = IPC
(M6):DNS_Reply (ID1, DN, IPATT); dest. IP = IPC

All client HTTP traffic is sent to ATT directly

(M7):HTTP_Request (URL); dest. IP =
(M8):HTTP_Response (HTML); dest. IP =