Research Article

Analysis on Influential Functions in the Weighted Software Network

Algorithm 2

Input: node , childStr ()
Output: the NI of node //evaluate the importance of nodes
(01) Initialize NI() = 1, = 0.15
(02) if (childStr[] != null)
(03) outdegree = childStr.size ();
(04) for (each childStr [])
(05) if ( is equal )
(06) outdegree - -;
(07) else
(08) weighMap.put (,weight ());
(09) weigh += weight ();
(12) for (each childStr [])
(13) if ( is not equal )
(14) tempNI () += NI () weighMap.get ()/weigh;
(18) tempNI () = () (outdegree () + 1);
(19) NI () = tempNI ();