Research Article

Network Programming and Probabilistic Sketching for Securing the Data Plane

Algorithm 1

VISKA algorithms.
VISKA Malicious Switch(es) Detection/Attack Categorization Algorithm
Let G be the graph representing the SDN network
Let n be number of switches in G
Let e be the number of edges in G
Let V be the granular network view/partition to be checked for maliciousness. Initially V = G
Let m be the maximum malicious partition size ( to reach single switch granularity)
Let , be the controller probing processes allocated for probing the bootstrapping network view V
VISKA(V, , )
If (VPS(V, , ) = malicious)
if ()
return V (containing malicious switch)
(V1, V2,, ) = NVP (G, n, e)
VISKA(V1, , )
VISKA(V2, , )
else return (correct or congested partition behavior)
VPS: View Probing and Sketching function
VPS(V, , )
Randomly Generate probing data D1() at
and send to
sketch: create sketch data vector , and = 0, counts=0 at
for each packet in D1
insert at index in sketch vector:
send: to VISKA service for analysis
Compute: (steps sketch through send) on to generate and send ,
for from 1 to
if or
return malicious, call MACM (
else if
return correct, congested
return correct
NVP: Network Views Partitioning Function
NVP (G, n, e)
(G1, G2) = Karger(G, n, e)
Insert forwarding rules for the probing packets
on controller
At the SDN network controller
(i) Isolate network partitions V1, V2 corresponding
to the Karger output (G1, G2)
return(V1, V2, , )
MACM: Malfunction and Attack Categorization Module
(attack to Category I where an active attack is being initiated in the network)
else //
(attack to Category II where a time delay introducing attack is introduced in the network)
malicious switch(es) ingress and egress traffic is collected and mined:
if E_Sum( )/I_Sum( ) > Ed
for each destIP in table E_Dest
if (E_Sum(destIP)-I_Sum(destIP)>dos) AND
(E_count(destIP) ā€“ I_count(destIP)> p)
alarm: DoS on destIP (Flooding)
if (E_count_ACK(destIP)-E_count_SYN(destIP) <con)
AND (E_Avg(destIP)< syn) AND ((E_count(destIP)
ā€“ I_count(destIP)>p)
alarm: DoS on destIP (SYN attack)
else if E_Sum()/I_Sum() <Id
for each destIP in table E_Dest
if (E_count(destIP) ā€“ I_count(destIP))<
alarm: interruption of traffic to destIP
else // E_Sum()/I_Sum() within boundaries)
for each destIP in table I_Dest
if (dest-IP is not in E_Dest) AND
(I_count(destIP)- E_count(destIP) <bh)
alarm: blocking on dest IP
for each srcIP in table I_Src
if (srcIP is not in E_Src) AND (I_count(srcIP)-
E_count(srcIP) <bh)
alarm: blocking on srcIP
for each destIP in E_Dest
if destIP is not in I_Dest AND
alarm: MITM attack at destIP