Research Article

An Approach for Internal Network Security Metric Based on Attack Probability

Pseudocode 2

The pseudocode of confidence analysis.
Procedure IsTemporalDifferenceRelationship
Input: G,Otd,O1,O2,Wo1,Wo2
//Attack graph G; Otd --The temporal difference relationship of the
//monitoring event nodes; O1,O2 -- Two monitoring event nodes of
//temporal difference relationship; Wo1, Wo2 -- Two sets of sequence
//that let the values of O1,O2 are T.
Output: Whether there is a timing difference between Wo1 and Wo2,
“Yes” or “No”.
(01) bG //The topological sequence of attack action nodes
(02) if((O1O2) Otd)
(03) foreach(A1Wo1,A2Wo2)
(04) if((A2A1) b) return No;
(05) end for (03)
(06) return Yes;
(07) else (02)
(08) return Yes;
(09) end if (02)