Research Article

RPAR: Location Privacy Preserving via Repartitioning Anonymous Region in Mobile Social Network

Algorithm 1

Input:  , , , , , , , other users’ location information in anonymous set stored in anonymous servers.
Output: central locations and .
  form the first sub-anonymity region , and calculate its central location   and area based on , and
other user location information.
  for    to    do
select user randomly from the rest of the tail  anonymity user set  : ;
form and and calculate its central location   and area according to the information of and parameter
calculate total area of all the sub-anonymity regions: ;
  end  for
  if    then
if  then
repartition the largest sub-anonymity region until
end  if
repartition the users in the tail anonymous user set into sub-anonymity regions according to the nearest neighbor
  end  if
  update the central locations  of the sub-anonymity regions
  return to all users in -th sub-anonymity region. and are sent to the LBS servers to query location