Review Article

A Closer Look at Intrusion Detection System for Web Applications

Table 9

Description of parameter categories.

Parameter categoryDescriptionExamplesValidating Scheme

TextHolds both letters and numbers in the indeterminate range.Username= John Smith  
Address= Celeste Slater 606-3727, Roseville NH11523
Blacklist of prohibited content
NumericHolds only numbers.Id=1254, Age=23Ensuring valid data type
EnumeratedConsist of values of a fixed set of elements defined by the application business logic.Gender=‘male’,’female’,’other’}  
White-list of allowed values
Format-SpecificThe values which follow a rigid pattern.Date= Nov 4, 2003 8:14 PM  
Time= 8:14:11 PM
White-list of valid patterns
Website addressHolds URL as a value.Target=  
White-list of valid URLs
ApplicationThe values which are set by application and must not be tampered at the client side.JSESSIONID=ABAD1D  
A list containing hashes of these values