Research Article

A Blockchain-Based Platform for Consent Management of Personal Data Processing in the IoT Ecosystem

Contract 1

Smart contract of a consent per device of data subject.
01: pragma solidity 0.4.23;
02: contract ConsentPerDataSubjectDevice
03: mapping (bytes32 => ConsentVersion) controller;
//the address of the ADVOCATE platform
04: address private ADVOCATE = 0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225;
05: bytes32 subjectHash = 0xd35f61ad141d7b92f4c17e609ef394292ca0e9341942c55...;
06: bytes32 deviceHash = 0xa018a0957ed590aeb053fa0561ea90453e260eca1846f...;
07: struct ConsentVersion
08: bytes32 consentHash;
09: mapping (bytes32 => uint256) timeStamp;
//Function 1: add new consent for a data controller
11: function addConsent(bytes32 _ctlhash, bytes32 _csthash) public
12: require(msg.sender == ADVOCATE); //only the owner can add new values
13: controller[_ctlhash].consentHash.push(_csthash);
14: controller[_ctlhash].timeStamp[_csthash] = now;
//Function 2: return the hash of the last consent for a data controller
16: function getLastConsent(bytes32 _ctlhash) view public returns (bytes32)
17: if (controller[_ctlhash].consentHash.length == 0) return 0;
18: else return controller[_ctlhash].consentHash[controller[_ctlhash].consentHash.length - 1];
//Function 3: return the time of consent for a data controller
20: function getTime(bytes32 _ctlhash, bytes32 _csthash) view public returns (uint256)
21: return controller[_ctlhash].timeStamp[_csthash];
//Function 4: return all the consents for a data controller
23: function getAll(bytes32 _ctlhash) view public returns (bytes32)
24: return controller[_ctlhash].consentHash;