Research Article

Discovering Vulnerabilities in COTS IoT Devices through Blackbox Fuzzing Web Management Interface

Algorithm 1

Seed dissection algorithm.
Input: the set of seed messages, M;
Output: the set of generated WMPT, T;
(1) initial
(2)for each do
(3)  initialize an empty WMPT
(4)  split α to 3 parts {requestLine, headers, optContent}
(5)  generate requestNode from requestLine and insert it to t
(6)  initialize an empty
(7)  for echo do
(8)   generate header from β and insert it to
(9)  end for
(10)  insert to t
(11)  if is not empty then
(12)   generate from and insert it to t
(13)  end if
(14)end for
(15)return T