Research Article

All-in-One Framework for Detection, Unpacking, and Verification for Malware Analysis

Algorithm 2

Dynamic unpacking algorithm.
Input: A PE file
Output: OEP //the start address of the unpacked original file.
(1) Measure the entropy value of each section;
(2)while the process is not reached to the end do
(3)  IP the current instruction pointer;
(4)  if IP’s address  current section’s last address then return Not-Found;
(5)  else if IP is JMP or CJMP or RETN then
(6)   Execute instructions until IP;
(7)   DstAddr the next instruction address;
(8)   if IPIP-Histroy and DstAddr DstAddr-History then
(9)    Store IP and DstAddr into each history;
(10)    if DstAddr is out of the file then return Not-Found;
(11)    else
(12)     Re-calculate the entropy value of each section;
(13)     if Entropy change is stable and DstAddr is in the different section then
(14)      return DstAddr;
(15)    end-if
(16)   end-if
(17)  end-if
(19)return Not-Found;