Research Article

On the Development of an Optimal Structure of Tree Parity Machine for the Establishment of a Cryptographic Key

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of the simulations.
Data: , , , number of simulations
Result: none
1 initialization;
2 for to do
3  Alice TPM (, , );
4  Bob TPM (, , );
5  Eve TPM (, , );
6  steps 0;
7  while != do
8   input randomVector ();
9   outA Alice(input);
10   outB Bob(input);
11   outE Eve(input);
12   if then
13    Alice.update(outB);
14    Bob.update(outA);
15   end
16   if then
17    Eve.update(outA);
18   end
19   steps steps+1;
20 end
21saveToFile (steps);
22 end