Research Article

SSL: A Novel Image Hashing Technique Using SIFT Keypoints with Saliency Detection and LBP Feature Extraction against Combinatorial Manipulations

Algorithm 3

Hash construction algorithm.
Input: Geometric information , descriptors and texture features
Output: Image hash sequence
 (1) for   to   do
 (2)  Extract from the to form
 (3)  Convert each value of into binary values
 (4) end for
 (5) Get geometric information of keypoints:
 (6) for   to   do
 (7)  for   to   do
 (8)   if    then
 (10)  else
 (12)  end if
 (13) end for
 (15) end for
 (16) Quantized descriptor of keypoints are  
 (17) Combine and generate image hash as  
 (18) return Image hash sequence