Research Article

Hail the Closest Driver on Roads: Privacy-Preserving Ride Matching in Online Ride Hailing Services

Figure 5

The efficiency of pRMatch and pRide, when the number of zones is 25. (a) The comp. cost of a user (including the rider and candicate drivers) under different dimension of the embedded road network, when . (b) The comp. cost of a user (including the rider and candicate drivers) under a different driver scale, when . (c) The comp. cost of the servers under a different dimension of the embedded road network, when . (d) The comp. cost of the servers under a different driver scale, when . (e) The comm. cost between the SP and a user (including the rider and candicate drivers) under a different dimension of the embedded road network, when . (f) The comm. cost between the SP and a user (including the rider and candicate drivers) under a different driver scale, when . (g) The comm. cost between the servers under a different dimension of the embedded road network, when . (h) The comm. cost of between servers under a different driver scale, when .