Research Article

DPAEG: A Dependency Parse-Based Adversarial Examples Generation Method for Intelligent Q&A Robots

Algorithm 1

Keywords extraction algorithm.
Input: original question
Output: keywords set K
(1) Initialize a keywords set K, a stack S, and a word P
(2) = dependency parser ()
(3) Push the head of the question into the stack S
(4)While S is not empty do
(5)  Pop the top of the stack S to the word P
(6)  if is content word then
(7)   Add P to keyword set K
(8)  end if
(9)  for child nodes of P do
(10)   if and is a content word then
(11)    Add to keyword set K
(12)   end if
(13)   if is modified by a clause then
(14)    Push the head of the clause into the stack S
(15)   end if
(16)  end for
(17)end while
(18)return keywords set K