Research Article

Collaborative Intelligence: Accelerating Deep Neural Network Inference via Device-Edge Synergy

Algorithm 1

Automated model pruning and partition algorithm.
(1) Input:
(2) N: number of layers in the DNN
(3) {Lt| t = 1,…, N}: layers in the DNN
(4) Agent (Lt): reinforcement learning agent predicting the output parameters and latency of executing Lt
(5) B: current wireless network uplink bandwidth
(6) E: current edge server load
(7) H: hardware accelerator’s feedback
(8) procedure THE FIRST STEP
(9)   for eacht in 1… Ndo
(13)   Tt
(14)  end for
(15) return Partition point Actionp
(16) procedure THE SECOND STEP
(17)   for eacht in 1… Ndo        if OptTarget min(Accuracy) then
(18)   return Pruning ratio Actiont
(19)  end if
(20)  end for
(21) return NULL