Research Article

Characterizing Anomalies in Malware-Generated HTTP Traffic

Table 2

Malware categories used to organize the obtained experimental results.

CategoryDescriptionNumber of request groups

DownloaderDownloading other malware134
BankerBanking Trojan125
TrojanTrojan malware117
RansomwareCrypting files and demanding ransom85
StealerStealing users’ information45
PUA/AdwarePotentially unwanted applications or adware30
IP checkChecking IP address or connectivity28
UA problemProblem with User-Agent header value26
DDoSDDoS attack malware24
SpambotSending spam e-mails20
Malicious downloadDownloading other malware20
MinerCryptocurrency mining18
MaldocDownloading other malware16
ClickerAd and link clicking13
Downloader/JSDownloading other malware12
BackdoorBackdoor Trojan11
RATRemote access Trojan9
BruteforceBruteforcing, e.g., login panels9
OtherOther malware8
KeyloggerUser key stroke logging6