Research Article

A Minimum Defense Cost Calculation Method for Attack Defense Trees

Algorithm 2

Calculation of the minimum defense cost of ADTrees.
Input A2DTree
Output The minimum defense cost of the A2DTree and the set of attack nodes that need to be defended
(1)BooleanExpression: = A2DTree logical expression;
(2)PathSets: = {All simple conjunctions in BooleanExpression, that is, the set of all path sets of the A2DTree};
(3)MinCost: = ;
(4)PathSet: = {};
(5)j: = 1;
(7) pathset: = jth path set in PathSets;
(8) cur_cost:= Cut-set defense cost;
(9) if cur_cost < MinCost
(10)  then
(11)   MinCost: = cur_cost;
(12)   PathSet: = pathset;
(13)  end if
(14)  j: = j + 1;
(15) until j = Number of subsets in PathSets +1;