Research Article

An Approach Based on the Improved SVM Algorithm for Identifying Malware in Network Traffic

Algorithm 1

OFSVM algorithm.
Input:executedDataM//the set of processed feature attributes
Output:generatedClassifier//the generated optimized classifier
(1)Construct fuzzyFactor = null;//calculate the distance between each sample and the class as a fuzzy factor to improve the classification accuracy
(2)Construct executedDefaultStep = q, executedSearchStep=null;//control search time and grid density
(3)Construct executedPenaltyParameter;//express the fault tolerance of the sample data when constructing the classification plane of SVM
(4)Construct executedOverfittingThreshold = f;//judge whether the penalty parameter is within the critical range
(5)representCandidateParameters();//use grid nodes to represent candidate parameters
(6)set the range of parameters to generate grids in different directions;
(7)for each sample i in executedDataM do
(8) Construct executedSearchStep = q.t;// the incremental step is t times the default step q
(9)constructTraverseSearch();//perform traversal search on all samples
(10) divide into i-dimensional parameter space among i parameters;
(11)if (executedPenaltyParameter(i) < executedOverfittingThreshold) then
(12)  executedSearchStep = 2/q;// reduce the step size to increase the grid density for a more accurate search
(13)  constructTraverseSearch();//perform traversal search on all samples
(15) expand the search space and adjust the search direction;
(16)constructTraverseSearch();//perform traversal search on all samples
(17)end if
(18)panel = createClassificationHyperplane();// construct the corresponding classification hyperplane
(19)calculateDistance(M[i], panel);// calculate the distance between each sample node and the hyperplane as a fuzzy factor
(20)computeFeatureValidity(i);// calculate the feature i of each sample data, which has a feature validity, and determine the  classification effect of each feature
(21)useRadialBasisKernel();// the kernel function has lower complexity and higher classification efficiency
(22)end for
(23)generateClassification();// generate the optimized classifier
(24)return generatedClassifier;