Research Article

FCNN: An Efficient Intrusion Detection Method Based on Raw Network Traffic

Algorithm 1

FCNN training algorithm.
Algorithm: FCNN training algorithm of raw traffic intrusion detection model based on Gabor network
 Input: custom_gabor, custom_gabor2 # gabor filter
  X_train # training set
  Y_train # training label
  X_val # validation set
  Y_val # verify tag
  epochs = loop_num # iterations
  batch_size = 10 # batch size
  path = “model/fcnn” # training model save path
 Output: model FCNN
(1)FCNN = Sequential ()
(2)FCNN.add (Convolution1D (48, 3, trainable = False,
   kernel_initializer = custom_gabor,
    border_mode = “same”,
    activation = “relu”,
    input_shape = (featureNum, 1)))
(3)FCNN.add (Convolution1D (48, 3, border_mode = “same”, activation = “relu”))
(4)FCNN.add (MaxPooling1D (pool_length = (2)))
(5)FCNN.add (Convolution1D (128, 3, trainable = False,
   kernel_initializer = custom_gabor2,
    border_mode = “same”,
    activation = “relu”))
(6)FCNN.add (Convolution1D (128, 3, border_mode = “same”, activation = “relu”))
(7)FCNN.add (MaxPooling1D (pool_length = (2)))
(8)FCNN.add (Flatten ())
(9)FCNN.add (Dense (128, activation = “relu”))
(10)FCNN.add (Dropout (0.1))
(11)FCNN.add (Dense (1, activation = “sigmoid”)) # the construction process of FCNN model
(12)FCNN.compile (loss = “binary_crossentropy”, optimizer = “Adam”, metrics = [“accuracy”])
(13) (X_train, y_train,
  validation_data = (X_val, y_val),
  batch_size = 10,
  epochs = loop_num) # training FCNN
(14) (path + “FCNN_model.hdf5”) # Save the model