Research Article

Towards a Statistical Model Checking Method for Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical System Verification

Algorithm 1

Importance sampling distribution learning algorithm.
Input: , the number of samples per iteration.
Input: , the true path distribution parameter of SCCPS.
Input: , the initialization parameter.
Input: , the maximum number of iterations.
Output: Optimal parameters.
(1)Function learningAlg (, , )
(2)j = 0;
(3)  while do
(4)   A = 0, B = 0, i = 1
(5)   while do
(6)    generate a path according to the pdf
(7)    if then
(8)    ;
(9)     ;
(10)    ;
(11)   i = i + 1;
(12)   ;
(13)  j = j + 1
(14) return