Research Article

A Detection Approach for Vulnerability Exploiter Based on the Features of the Exploiter

Algorithm 3

Vulnerability Exploit Detection Method based on JCFG (JCFG-VEDM).
Input: JCFG, The exploit node to be detected/ The SQL containing JCFG node information and the node extracted from key instructions of the program during execution /
Output: Result
(1)  JCFGNode  = JCFG.head (); / Make the JCFG pointer point to the head node of JCFG /
(2)  Node  = new Node (); / The instruction node in the execution process, the main function is first located when the program is executed /
(3)  Stack R = new Stack <> (); / Create a stack to store the return address /
(4)  vector <stack<VulNode>> Vul; / Create a stack to record the exploit nodes that generate abnormal jumps /
(6)   if (q.attrName == p.first.attr.attrName) then
(7)    if (q.attrName == Call) then
(8)     if (CNameJudge (p.first, q)) then/
(9)      Vul.add (temp);
(10)    enf if;
(11)   else if (q.attrName == JXX) then
(12)    if (JAdressJudge (p.first, q)) then
(13)     Vul.add (temp);
(14)    end if;
(15)   else
(16)    if (RetnJudge ()) then
(17)     Vul.add (temp);
(18)    end if;
(19)  else if (q.attrName == p.second.attr.attrName) then
(20)  else
(21)   Vul.add (temp);
(22)  end if;