Research Article

Convergence of Blockchain and IoT for Secure Transportation Systems in Smart Cities

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for IoT device state transaction.
Ensure: Initialize var deviceRegistry
Ensure: Initialize var deviceID
Ensure: Initialize var t-list
Ensure: Initialize var station = getstation ()
if tx.newstate = True then
   deviceID.state = tx.newstate
   if tx.enables ! = null then
    deviceID.enabled = tx.enabled }\newline
    dev-station = station }\newline
    t-list = deviceID }\newline
   elseif tx.newstate = False
    event.msg (“State of IoT dvice having ID “+ deviceID +” has not changed”)
  end if
 end if
return asset.update (deviceID)
return event.msg (“State of IoT dvice having ID “+ deviceID +” has been changed.”) = 0