Research Article

The Applications of Blockchain in Artificial Intelligence

Table 6

Trusted AI decision.

Ref.Use caseTechnologiesContributions

[55]RobotsBlockchainPropose to manage swarm robots using blockchain to deal with the problem of Byzantine robots
Smart contract
[56]WSNsBlockchainPropose a blockchain and reinforcement learning-based routing information management platform to guarantee trusted and efficient routing decisions
Smart contract
[57]Military platformsBlockchainPropose a framework combining AI, machine learning, and private blockchain to provide decision support for operational centers
Smart contract
[58]Model marketplaceBlockchainPropose to utilize blockchain to record important processes of AI in an invariable and verifiable way
Coalition operationsTransaction
[59]Machine learningBlockchainPropose a trusted machine learning analysis framework which utilizes smart contract to realize automatic machine learning
Smart contract
[60]DNN applicationsBlockchainPropose a novel DNN architecture combined with edge computing and blockchain technology to overcome the limitation of availability, scalability, and integrity
Edge computing
[61]Neural networksBlockchainPropose to use edge computing to reduce the pressure of the server and utilize blockchain to cope with overtraining
Edge computing