Research Article

The Applications of Blockchain in Artificial Intelligence

Table 7

Decentralized intelligence.

Ref.Use caseTechnologiesContributions

[62]Distributed MLBlockchainPropose a blockchain-based decentralized security learning model LearningChain
[63]Multiparty learningBlockchainPropose BEMA, a novel blockchain-based secure multiparty learning system and design “off-chain sample mining” and “on-chain mining” schemes
[64]Deep learningBlockchainPropose a secure and decentralized privacy-preserving deep learning framework based on blockchain, which encourages participants to engage in training
Federated learningConsensus
[65]IoTBlockchainPropose a knowledge market of IoT based on edge-AI, which uses knowledge blockchain for knowledge management and trading
Smart contract
[66]IoTBlockchainPropose a collective Q-learning combined with blockchain and deep Q-learning, which is used to allocate computing network resources to users
[67]Federated learningBlockchainPropose FLchain to enhance the security of federated learning and implemented on fabric
Fabric channel
[68]Federated learningBlockchainPropose to utilize consortium blockchain to manage workers’ reputation in a decentralized manner
Incentive mechanism
[69]Collaborative AIBlockchainPropose a framework in which everyone may openly view the model’s forecast and input data to enhance the model and utilize smart contracts to host a continuously updated model
Smart contract
[70]Machine learningBlockchainPropose to use blockchain technology and smart contract to create an automatic anonymous machine learning model trading market
Smart contract