Research Article

A High-Capacity Image Steganography Method Using Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization

Algorithm 3

Pseudocode of data extraction.
(1)Extract the particles from the last row of stego-image
(2)Prepare the image blocks using the X-Side-Length and Y-Side Length particles
(3)Create a sequence of stego pixels using the Directions, X-offset, and Y-offset particles
(4)Convert the stego pixels sequence into a sequence of bits using the Bit-Planes and BB-dire particles
(5)if (SB-Pole= 1)
(6)  Complement the secret bits
(7)end if
(8)if (SB-dire = 1)
(9)  Reverse the direction of the secret bits
(10)end if
(11)Extract the secret pixels from the secret bits
(12)Render secret image using the secret pixels