Research Article

Security-Oriented Network Architecture

Table 1

List of used notation.


IDMIdentity manager for managing identity and credentials
AAAccountability agent for tracking the source identity
IDAID authenticator for authenticating an entity
IDRID router for verifying host ID authenticity
BRBorder router
HIDHost identifier
I-LocInner locator for routing in the intradomain
O-LocOuter locator for routing in the interdomain
EIDEphemeral and encrypted ID to identify a host
EI-LocEncrypted inner locator
EHIDEncrypted host ID
CodeMessage authentication code
SACSource authentication code for host ID authenticity
DACDomain authentication code for domain ID authenticity
LACLocation authentication code for locator authenticity
AID + CodeAuthenticated user identifier and message authentication code
SrcLocSource host locator
DstLocDestination host locator
SrcDomainIDSource domain identifier
DstDomainIDDestination domain identifier
HKA symmetric key owned by the host
MACKeyA symmetric key to protect layer-2 data
MKA symmetric master key owned by border routers
VK and DKA shared symmetric key to verify authenticity
SKA symmetric key to encrypt data in IP header
PFA privacy flag
DFA dynamic factor which may be randomly generated