Research Article

Risk Measurement Method of Collusion Privilege Escalation Attacks for Android Apps Based on Feature Weight and Behavior Determination

Algorithm 1

App behavior determination and risk measurement.
(2)Output: measurmentValue
(3)Assumption: use BM point to comBehaviorModel, use AM point to comAttackModel
(4)Initialization: BM ⟶ comBehaviorModel1, AM ⟶ comAttackModel1
(5)For each component has AFi
(6)Construction comBehaviorModeli, comAttackModeli
(7)If Then
(8)call f (V, W)
(9)print measurmentValue = f (V, W)
(10)BM ⟶ Next, AM ⟶ Next
(11)ElseIf Then
(12)print measurmentValue = 0
(13)BM ⟶ Next, AM ⟶ Next