Research Article

Empirical Evaluation of Noise Influence on Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms Using Intrusion Detection Datasets

Table 7

The data files included in the NSL-KDD dataset.

No.NSL-KDD data filesDescriptionNo. of attributesNo. of instancesNo. of normal instancesNo. of anomaly instances

1KDDTest+Contains the full testing set4222,5449,71112,833
2KDDTest-21A subset of the KDDTest+, without records of difficulty level 21 out of 214211,8502,1529,698
3KDDTrain+Contains the full training set42125,97367,34358,630
4KDDTrain+_20PercentRepresents a 20% subset of the KDDTrain+4225,19213,44911,743