Research Article

Trusted QoS Assurance Approach for Composite Service

Algorithm 2

MA of service selection.
Input: The maximum number of iterations: NImax. The size of population: SP. The size of the mating pool: SMP. The size of tournament: ST. The probability of crossover: PC. The probability of mutation: PM. The process of composite service and the QoS of each atomic service.
Output: The selected atomic services and the QoS of composite service.
(1)Initialize P←InitialPopulation (SP);
(2)for n = 1; n < NImax + 1; n++
(3)Pparent ← Selection (P, SMP, ST);
(4)Pchild ← GeneticOperation (Pparent, PC, PM);
(5)Pnewchild ← LocalSearch (Pchild);
(6)P ← UpdatePopulation (P, Pnewchild);
(7)end for
(8)return P, QoSmax