Research Article

Trusted QoS Assurance Approach for Composite Service

Algorithm 3

Algorithm of local search.
Input: The chromosome Pchild. The process of composite service and the QoS of each atomic service.
Output: New chromosome Pnewchild.
(1)Initialize Pnewchild = Pchild;
(2)for i = 1; i < NAbstS + 1; i++
(3)for j = 1; j < NAtomS(i) + 1; j++
(4)Pchild (i) = S(j);//(A atomic service differs from PNchild’ gene)
(5)if QoS(Pchild) > QoS(Pnewchild)//(find an atomic service that improve QoS)
(6)Pnewchild = Pchild;
(7)end if
(8)end for
(9)Pchild (i) = Pnewchild(i);
(10)end for
(11)return Pnewchild