Research Article

Network Host Cardinality Estimation Based on Artificial Neural Network

Algorithm 1

Group hosts in ANet.
(i)Input:hosts set in ANet : AIP = {aip1,aip2,…};
(ii)The length of the group: EGL
(iii)Output:ECG//group of hosts in ANet
(1) n ← the number of hosts in AIP
(2) AIP’ = {aip’1,aip’2,…aip’n} ← Sort the AIP from small to large according to their estimating cardinality
(3) minEC ← The minimum estimating cardinality of hosts in ANet
(4) j ← 1//j is the index of group
(5) bt ← minEC//bt is the lower bound of current group
(6) tp ← bt + EGL-1//tp is the upper bound of current group
(7) For i = 1 to n
(8)  If(EC(aip’i)≤ tp):
(9)   Insert aip’i into
(10)  Else
(11)   j = j+1
(12)   bt←EC(aip’i)
(13)   tp ← bt + EGL-1
(14)   Insert aip’i into
(15) Return ECG