Research Article

Ethereum Ponzi Scheme Detection Based on PD-SECR

Algorithm 1

Data preparation based on SMOTEENN.
input: , δ is a random, k points nearest to s are denoted as Nk(s), epochs is the number of training wheels, y is the actual true value and is an estimate value
output: The new dataset W after SMOTEENN processing
(1)Generate new sample xnew and perform k_nearer neighbor calculation on xi;
(2)Generate dataset W from a minority class samples of the input dataset Q;
(3)for to range(m) do
(4) Find the k minority class samples closer to xi;
(5)W = [];
(7)W.append (xnew);
(8) return W;
(9)Clean the newly generated dataset ;
(10)Calculate the category t of s, according to the classification decision rules in Nk(s);
(11)for to range(n) do
(13)if or then delete it;
(14)else do nothing;
(15)return W processed by us;