Research Article

[Retracted] An Automated Approach for the Prediction of the Severity Level of Bug Reports Using GPT-2

Table 1

Description of the dataset.

ProjectDescriptionBugs reports# of total bugs reports (%)

CDTThe C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) project provides Eclipse plug-ins. It is an open-source project.5,03116.77
PlatformThe Eclipse platform is developed for building integrated development environments (IDEs) and arbitrary tool.2,5178.39
JDTThe JDT project offers the capabilities of full-feature plug-ins of Java IDE.5,03116.77
FirefoxMozilla foundation developed a free open-source web browser, Firefox. It is officially available for MS Windows, Linux, and macOS.5,03116.77
BugzillaBugzilla is an issue/bug tracking system to allow an individual or a bunch of experts to keep records of bugs with their product.2,3287.76
CoreCore basically is the shared mechanisms used by Mozilla software, containing handling of web content (HTML, Layout, CSS, etc.)5,03116.77
ThunderbirdMozilla foundation developed a free open-source news client, chat client, RSS, and cross-platform e-mail client, named Thunderbird.5,03116.77