Review Article

Deep Learning Methods for Malware and Intrusion Detection: A Systematic Literature Review

Table 6

Summary of the metalevel analysis of the literature on malware detection during the recent years.

Ref.Description: method and features used to train and evaluate modelDL algorithm usedLibrary/framework usedTargeted platformDataset
Accuracy/F1 score

[120]Visualizing malware binaries as two-dimensional images and feeding to classifier that uses reweighted class-balanced loss functionDensely connected CNN with ReLUKerasWindowsMalimg, BIG 2015, MaleVis98.46%

[121]Two-stage hybrid malware detection by extracting op-code by static analysis and then performing dynamic analysis to classify benign filesBi-LSTM, CNNNot statedIoTKISA 2019Up to 95%

[122]Malware detection by representing the application as image, extracting the dex file, and grouping the sequence of bytes into grayscale pixelCNNCUDA, TensorFlowAndroidArgus Cyber Security Lab97%

[123]Malware detection by using text classification method, using the text sequence of APPs analysis and exploring informationCNNKerasAndroidVarious datasets96.6%

[124]Malware detection using dynamic analysis by generating dynamic analysis logs for an APK and transforming the features into a feature vectorCNN with leaky ReLUNot statedAndroidSelf-generated98%

[64]Malware detection by visualizing malware as RGB color images using both static and dynamic as well as hybrid analysisCNN (VGG16)Not statedWindowsDataset by VirusSign94.7%

[125]Detection of Java bytecode malware using static analysis of the Java program and extracting interprocedural control flow graph from bytecode fileCNNNot statedPlatforms capable of running Java programsSelf-generated98.4%

[126]Analysis of behavior of malicious programs based on API call graphs. The detection is based on analyzed patterns of the API callsCNN (used only for discovering common features)Not statedAndroidApps from playstore and VirusShare93.2%

[127]Classification and detection of malware using executable and linkable format (ELF) binary file, making use of static, dynamic, and hybrid analysisBi-GRU-CNNKeras, TensorFlow, scikit-learnIoTCollected from various sources98% (detect) 100% (classify)

[128]Malware classification by converting the bytecode of methods of the malware into grayscale feature image and analyzing its feasibility based on reconstruction error of AEAE based on CNNTensorFlowAndroidApps from playstore and VirusShare96.2%

[129]Distributed deep learning-based model for malware detection using both static and dynamic analysisCNN-BiLSTMNot statedWindowsApps from various sources97%

[130]Using DL and model-checking to detect malware by converting source code to format of the model-checker, using both static and dynamic analysisCNNPyTorchIoTNot stated95%

[131]Malware detection using static analysis, emphasizing on features extraction from PE filesNot statedKerasWindowsEMBER97.5%