Research Article

QoE-Aware Video Delivery in Multimedia IoT Network with Multiple Eavesdroppers

Algorithm 2

Maximize QoE algorithm.
Input: Channel condition, cache transmission delay, delay satisfaction factor and QoS threshold of multi-quality video.
Output: Optimal beamforming vector, optimal version selection set and maximum network QoE.
(1) Set the t = 0, feasible beamforming vector , only require low-quality video user set ;
(2) Calculate the optimal user rate satisfaction and optimal beamforming vector by solving .
(4)  Calculate current optimal QoE by solve ;
(5)  Calculate the enhancement cost set by solve ;
(6)  Obtain the user index corresponding to the minimum value in ;
(7)  ;
(8)  ;
(9)  Calculate network QoE and beamforming vector by solve ;
(10)  If the problem is unsolved or the network QoE drops
(11)   Break.
(12)  Else
(13)   Update , , , ;
(14)  End if
(15)  If iteration stop. Otherwise, set and go to Step 5.
(16) Else
(17)  The solution is not feasible, the current resources cannot satisfy all users.
(18) End if
(19) Output , , and .