Research Article

E-minBatch GraphSAGE: An Industrial Internet Attack Detection Model

Table 1

UNSW-NB15 flow type, quantity and profile.

Flow typeQuantityIntroduction

Normal2,218,761Normal data traffic
Fuzzers24,246Send randomly generated fuzzy data to the target to cause the target to error into a pause state
Analysis2,677Port scanning, spam, and html file infiltration
Exploits44,525Attacks that exploit vulnerabilities known to exist in the system or software
Worms174Attack initiators such as viruses replicate themselves and try to infect other hosts on the network
Shellcode1,511A piece of code that exploits a software vulnerability
DoS16,353Launch a flooding attack on the target so that it cannot accept new requests
Generic215,481Attack against any type of group password
Reconnaissance13,987Simulation of information-gathering attacks
Backdoor2,329Bypass system defense mechanisms to access sensitive locations and sensitive information