Research Article

Who Is Using the Phone? Representation-Learning-Based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones

Table 5

Comparison with related research using the description reported in their papers.

StudyDatasetSensorAlgorithmAccuracy (%)Scene

Ehatisham [33]10acc, gyr, magSVM97.95Gait
Amini [34]47acc, gyrLSTM96.7020 s window
Chao [31]102acc, gyr, ori, magHMM94200 touch actions
Anusas [35]25acc, touchRF97.90Input
Abuhamad [11]84acc, gyr, magLSTM98.00Daily use
Jain [36]104touch, accHausdorff distance97.95Gesture
Our work180acc, gyr, ori, touchCNN99.38Daily usage