Review Article

SoK: Context and Risk Aware Access Control for Zero Trust Systems

Table 1


ABACAttribute-based access control
ABEAttribute-based encryption
ACAccess control
ACLAccess control list
BYODBring your own device
CA-ABACContext-aware ABAC
CAACContext-aware access control
CASMContext-aware security model
CP-ABECiphertext policy based ABE
DACDiscretionary access control
DMZDemilitarised zone
KP-ABEKey policy-based ABE
MACMandatory access control
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology
OTOperational technology
PAPolicy administrator
PDPPolicy decision point
PEPolicy engine
PEPPolicy enforcement point
PKIPublic key encryption
QRACCQuantified risk adaptive access control
RAdACRisk adaptive access control
RBACRole-based access control
SA-ABACSituation aware ABAC
SAMSituation aware matrix
SASESecure access services edge
SDNSoftware-defined networks
SD-WANSoftware-defined wireless area network
T-RBACTemporal RBAC, Trust-RBAC
UCONUsage control
WBANWireless body area network
ZTZero trust
ZTEZero trust edge
ZTNZero trust network