Research Article

[Retracted] A Novel Variable Pseudonym Scheme for Preserving Privacy User Location in 5G Networks

Algorithm 1

VI-Pool initialization algorithm.
Input: limits of range length MAX and MIN
(1)Set Avail = 216
(2)Set Stop = 0
(3)Set S = 0
(4)While Avail ≥ min do
(5) Generate a random M between MAX and MIN (MIN ≤ M ≤ MAX)
(6)If Avail < MIN then
(7) M = Avail
(8)End if
(9)S = Stop;
(10)Stop = Stop + (2/3) M
(11)Generate a new record at VI-pool
(12)Insert a tuple (S, M) into new record at
(14)Avail = Avail–M
(15)end while