Research Article

All-Packets-Based Multi-Rate DDoS Attack Detection Method in ISP Layer

Algorithm 2

All-packets-based DDoS attack detection method in ISP layer.
Input: Packet set P, K, f1, f2, m, c, n, epoches
Output: detection result R
(1)pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = m)
(2)NCSS, R = []
(3)While i in range(0, n) do    //The network of first n period is normal.
(4)SS, NCSSi = []
(5)Bucket_List = pool.map_async(ipsketch, Pi).get()
(6) obtain NCSSi with lines 05–09 of algorithm 1
(8)End while
(9)Traindataset = NCSS.reshape(–1, K/c, K/c,1)
(10)AOCC.train(Traindataset, epoches)
(11)obtain the optimal parameters P_best
(12)While t is continue do
(13)SS, NCSSt = []
(14)Bucket_List = pool.map_async(ipsketch, Pi).get()
(15) obtain NCSSt with lines (4)–(8) of algorithm 1
(16)Testt = CSSt.reshape(–1, K/c, K/c,1)
(17)Rt = AOCC.test(Testt, P_best)
(19)End While