Research Article

Improving the Imperceptibility of Adversarial Examples Based on Weakly Perceptual Perturbation in Key Regions

Algorithm 1

WPAE algorithm.
Initialization: T = Faster RCNN, f=Rf, dataset =  VOC 2007, batchsize = 1, epoch = 5, α = 1000, β = [0.0001, 0.0002], and γ = 1
While t < epoch:
for x in the dataset:
  Train G:
  G (x) ⟶ r, M (x)⟶M,
  F (p) ⟶ P
  x′ =x+P
  T (x) ⟶
  G (x, p) ⟶ LGAN_G
  Calculate Lperceptual (x, x), Lfeature (f,), and LDAG
  Update G parameters
  Train D:
  D (img_real, ones) ⟶ loss_real
  D (img_fake, zeros) ⟶ loss_ fake
  LD=(loss_real+loss_ fake)0.5
  Update D parameters
end for
t ⟶ t++
end while