Research Article

Ldasip: A Lightweight Dynamic Audit Approach for Sensitive Information Protection in Cloud Storage

Algorithm 1

Node storage information and file initialization algorithm.
Inputs: file information M, n blocks, tree height d, hash function H, traversal variable i
Outputs: {Ψ(Q, Ai), HASH, F}, List<TreeNode>
TREENODE//Set the node structure
 {Ψ(Q, Ai), HASH, F}//Information set
 List<TreeNode> Child;//Child linked list
 TreeNode Father;//Father node
 List<TreeNode>up//x-1 layer node linked list
 List<TreeNode>m//x layer node linked list
 CUR_DEPTH = 0//Height of current tree
 List<TreeNode>R∗ = {R}//At present, R∗ includes the root node R, so it is only necessary to find all R∗
 FOR i= 1 TO n^d//if the n-tree of d-layer is formed, the file M needs to be divided into nd copies
 m.add(new TreeNode(block_i))