Research Article

Ldasip: A Lightweight Dynamic Audit Approach for Sensitive Information Protection in Cloud Storage

Algorithm 2

Improved multibranch tree authentication structure construction algorithm.
Inputs: {Ψ(Q, Ai), HASH, F}, List<TreeNode>
Outputs: deputy root node R∗
BUILDTREE(M,n,d,H,i)//Achievements: file information M, n blocks, tree height d,
hash function H, traversal variable i.
WHILE(CUR_DEPTH < d)//Build n-tree layer by layer until d-layer.
 TreeNode tmp_father = new TreeNode ()
 HASH = 0//Current hash value
 List<TreeNode> tmp_up//Build temporary parent node
 FOR i= 1 TO m.size
 IF (tmp_up.size() < n)//Have not formed a block, continue to traverse the nodes
  hash = H(hash, m[i]- > hash)//Keep taking hash values
  m[i]- > Father = tmp_father//Set the father of the current node as “temporary father node”
  tmp_father - > Child.add(m[i])//Add a child to the “temporary father node”
   tmp_father- > hash = hash
   IF (CUR_DEPTH = = d/2)//Mark the deputy root node and add it to the result
   tmp_father- > Q = 1
   tmp_father- > Q = 0
   tmp_father = new TreeNode()
   i  i-1
   m = up;
return R∗