Research Article

Ldasip: A Lightweight Dynamic Audit Approach for Sensitive Information Protection in Cloud Storage

Table 3

Qualitative analysis of the calculation cost of this scheme and existing schemes.

schemeSignature generation stageChallenge response phaseVerification phaseDynamic operation phase

[9]nHashG + nMulG+2ExpG(c-1)MulG + cExpG + cMulz∗q+(c-2) addz∗q(c+2)ExpG + cHashG+(c+1)MulG + Hashz∗q+6PairNot supported

[10]nHashG+3nMulG+(s+3)nExpG(c-1)MulG + cExpG + cMulz∗q+(c-1) addz∗q(3c + cs+1)ExpG + nHashG+(5c + sc-1)MulG+(2c+1)PairNot supported

Ldasip(n+2)HashG + nMulG+(2n+2)ExpG + nHashz∗q(c-1)MulG + cExpG + cMulz∗q+(c-1) addz∗q(c+2)ExpG+(c+2)HashG + cMulG+
4ExpG+7HashG + MulG+4Pair + Hashz∗q

Note. n represents the number of divided blocks of the file, s represents the number of sectors divided by each data block, and c represents the number of data blocks challenged by the auditor.