Research Article

Support Personalized Weighted Local Differential Privacy Skyline Query

Algorithm 3

Skyline query based on PWLDP algorithm.
Input: : local skyline query results for each organization; : privacy budget; : the proportion of weights under each attribute.
Output:  =  : global skyline query results.
(1)for local skyline query data set from 1 to do
(2)for data record from 1 to do
(3)  for each attribute from 1 to do
(8)    = np.full(shape = , fill_value = )
(10)    = np.random.choice(a = range(1, ), p = 
(11)  end for
(12)end for
(13)end for
(14)for each in List do
(15) flag = True
(16)for each in List do
(17)  ifthen
(18)   if () then
(19)    return or
(20)    flag = 
(21)   end if
(22)  end if
(23)end for
(24)return. Index
(25)end for
(27)return to each organization