Review Article

Overview of Image Inpainting and Forensic Technology

Table 2

Comparison of different types of structural change-based GAN.

CategoryModelStructural featuresAdvantage/disadvantagePerf.

Initial modelGANGenerator and discriminatorHigh-definition images; unstable training; mode collapses; disappearing gradient.225 (mean log likelihood)

Conditional GANCGANAdding constraints to the input layer of GAN to guide generationHigh requirements for the dataset; tagged dataset; low quality image.
Info-GANUse generator and discriminator and add hidden code in the generatorExtending the theory and increasing the interpretability of GAN model; large amount of computation; and poor diversity.

Deep convolutional GANDCGANSymmetrical discriminator and the generator; using fractional-strided convolution instead of upsampling.Stability training; No artifacts; clearer edges; data distribution affect the effect; unsuitable for complex scenarios.85.95 (accuracy)
GLA inpainting network and two discriminators networkThe result is locally and globally consistent; can complete any scene; and unsuitable for heavily structured objects.96.5% (accuracy)

Combined GANDGMGlobal and local discriminators; two stages feedforward generation network.Expanding the receptive field and improving the stability of network training; less parameters.18.91 (PSNR)
StackGANSuperimpose two CGANsHigh-resolution images; stable training.8.45 (IS)
Cycle-GANCircular mechanism to achieve two domain conversions and constraintsLow data requirements; no one-to-one paired images; low resolution is not high.0.58 (accuracy)
PICnetParallel generating paths and reconstructing paths; variation encoder structure of the generator.The reliability of complementary content; high-quality images;suitable for the images with arbitrary of incomplete parts.20.10 (PSNR)

Pattern-based GANPGGANGradually grow generators and discriminators.Reducing the training time; generating better high-resolution images.0.2838 (MS-SSIM)
Style-GANIncluding mapping network and synthesis network; style-based structure of generator.Can control the visual features from coarse features to fine details.4.40 (FID)
Style-GAN2Replace the gradient network structure of style GAN with fixed network training.Focus on repairing artifacts and further improving the quality of generated images2.32 (FID)

Self-attention GANSAGANBoth generative network and discriminant network adopt attention mechanism.Getting good balance between improving the receptive field and reducing the amount of parameters.18.65 (FID)
BigGANMore channels in convolutional layer and use truncation and orthogonal regularizationModel training is stable and can generate ultra-clear images; large amount of parameters; difficult to train7.4 (FID)